
How To Make A Functional Patient Portal

Comparing modern medicine with what it was about 20 years ago, everyone will notice the difference. The medical industry is rapidly evolving not only in the methods of treatment, but also in the organization of the process itself. Patient portal development is one of those areas that many companies are working on.

A patient portal is a pre-designed platform to be used by doctors and their patients. Its main objective is to simplify the organization of healthcare work. In practice, it enables patients to register for appointments, see doctors’ schedules, track their medical history, etc.

Secrets Of Developing A Patient Portal

All providers of such services as the development of specialized medical portals are guided by the requirements of their customers. Such programs are constantly updated. This makes it possible for them to comply with all innovations in medical legislation.

What to focus on when developing a medical portal, main aspects:

1.Market analysis—the requirements of medical institutions, their mode of operation, peculiarities of the working process are taken into account, legislation and its standards are studied. The following also fall under analysis.


  • User requirements—it is important for the interface to be simple easy to use for both medical professionals and their patients;
  • Existing processes of interaction between the medical institution and the patient—weaknesses and strengths of such interaction are taken into account, and mistakes are eliminated. Weaknesses are improved or removed altogether;
  • Data protection—all personal information, including the patient’s medical history, will be available only to the patient and his or her treating physicians.

2. Information-architectural design is created—at this stage, attention is directed to the information-architectural field, platform structure, and site navigation. In order to easily, conveniently, and intuitively use the site, its information architecture must be well thought out and designed.

3. The design of the site is developed. The better the platform is perceived, the easier it will be to use. It is important that it is not only aesthetically designed, but also corresponds to the corporate style of the institution for which it is being developed.


Working on the functionality of the platform is:

    • the ability to keep records of patients, their medical and contact information, receive information on visits;
    • making appointments with doctors with the possibility for the patient to choose a suitable appointment time;
    • creation of an electronic medical record with all necessary records in it;
    • the ability to keep control of medicines and equipment, to make orders on time.

5. Testing and optimization of the site—before giving the development to work, it is necessary to test and study all the errors in the functions of the program. The platform has been tested for functionality, integration, stability of operation, security, and data protection. Even after launching the portal, the developers are still working on its optimization, taking into account user feedback.

6. Launch and support of the portal is the stage of installation and customization of the site on the server of the medical institution. The staff is trained to work with the platform, and the site itself interacts with the existing information system of the institution.

To get a good, functional, practical platform for a patient, it is important to consider a number of things. The right choice of developers, testing companies—this is already the right beginning of the implementation of your project.