Measures to Save the Planet and Conserve Wildlife

Nature is a part of each and every one of us. People would find it very hard to imagine living without flora and fauna, and life would cease to exist if humans don’t make a strong effort to conserve the nature that is still alive and well today. The forests that allow us to hike and unwind, the rivers flowing with rain water, the oceans filled with spectacular marine life—some of which humans have not even discovered yet—and the soil that forms the ground we walk on all provide us with much-needed food, crisp, clean air, and water to drink and irrigate crops with. You may think you are only one person and that change requires an army, but that’s not true at all. It starts with a single individual who has a dream and the drive to make a change. Let’s look at a few things you could do to help.

Hike Responsibly

Walking or hiking is an activity that feeds the soul and helps bring much-needed balance to one’s life, but it is also something that has to be done responsibly. You may think that walking is harmless, and in essence, it really is. However, you can make a big difference to the environment by thinking consciously and going green. If you don’t live in or very close to the forest, chances are that you’ll need to drive to the location of your hiking start; think about taking public transport if possible or speak to your fellow nature lovers and organize a carpool situation so that you decrease your carbon footprint by sharing a vehicle. Small changes can make a huge difference if people are committed to the cause.

Since hiking in nature can often take you into unknown territories, it’s essential to use a route planner and follow the said route by means of an app or map. The wilderness is no joke, and hikers should always ensure that they have made provisions for food and water, as well as warm clothing and first-aid kits. Beyond personal safety and avoiding injuries, a further aspect to consider in the desire to introduce eco-friendly hiking is that off-trail walks can damage fragile ecosystems and disturb wildlife habitats, meaning that even though it’s obviously not your goal to hurt nature, you could be damaging very sensitive plants and fungi if you veer off the trail.

It does sound amusing and exciting to take an unexplored route, an adventure surely, but creating new trails as humans can eventuate in erosion and soil degradation, with the result being detrimental to the environment.

Make Your Living Space Eco-Friendly

In the busy Western world, it’s essential to slow down and spend time at home, in a peaceful environment enjoying your free time by cooking and reading, or maybe you’ve chosen to learn about the latest trends in online gaming. Whatever your preference, minimizing anxiety is the cornerstone of managing all the tasks that people face these days. And peace of mind can also be gained and strengthened by living sustainably and incorporating eco-friendly aspects into your home life. Luckily, there are many like-minded individuals keen on preserving the environment and minimizing their carbon footprint, offering their ideas and even environmental consulting services to assist those unsure about how to move forward and in the right direction.

These pioneers have come up with eco-friendly home additions, one of which is excellent for people living in sunny areas: solar panels that use the sun to produce solar energy. The main benefit of solar energy is that it doesn’t harm the environment like a myriad of other energy production forms do. With 8 billion humans on the planet (and counting), the need for energy is constantly increasing and demands are not being met in some places. Burning fossil fuels like natural gas and coal, which we have been doing thus far, to produce electricity significantly contributes to global warming and climate change. In contrast, solar energy is much more eco-friendly and could be the most innovative thing thus far. So, you as an individual can make a big difference by choosing to install solar panels on your roof and getting off the main electrical grid, assisting in creating a responsible environmental approach and changing social principles for the better.

Dress for Success

It has become commonplace to order goods online from a large corporation in another country or on a whole other continent.

It’s also standard practice to have clothing shipped to your house door, try it on, and return it if the item doesn’t match the image or suit your body type. Have you ever thought about how this affects the environment? While it may be faster to click a few buttons and have your clothing delivered, this isn’t a sustainable approach to life. One must think about where these clothes come from, who produced them, and the people (or machines) making the clothes you wear, who are paid fairly and work in favorable conditions. See if you can answer these questions. If you can’t, or if the answers aren’t to your liking, then the clothing you are buying and wearing may be harming the planet as a whole.

Invest in quality clothing made from locally sourced materials, preferably handmade in your area. Do your best to steer clear of fast fashion or poor-quality items that won’t last. You may think that you are only one person and you can’t make a difference, but that’s far from the truth. It begins with just one person who fights for and supports environmental initiatives, thereby pushing them up and reaching more people. Sustainable or eco-friendly living starts with the obvious things like disposing of rubbish properly and not littering, and it goes as far as what you wear and how you design your home. Doing the right thing for the environment will do wonders for you mental health—that’s what’s called a win-win situation.